Privacy Policy

Every time the internet presence of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities is accessed by a user and every time a file is downloaded, for technical reasons data relating to this procedure are temporarily saved and processed in a protocol file.

Specifically, at every access/download, the following data are saved:

  •  the IP address, which is (subsequently) anonymised,
  •  date and time,
  •  page accessed / name of file downloaded,
  •  quantity of data transferred,
  •  a message on whether the access/download was successful.
These data are evaluated only for statistical purposes and to improve the quality of service and are then destroyed. No other use is made of them and they are not passed to third-parties.

When accessing specific pages, so-called ‘session cookies’ are used to facilitate navigation. These session cookies hold no person-specific data and expire when the session is over. Technologies that enable tracking of the user’s browsing habits, such as Java Applets or Active-X Controls, are not used.

Postal and Email addresses stated in the context of queries or requests for information are used solely for the purpose of correspondence and postal delivery, respectively.